Journey on OD

Being in OD for almost 4 years, i think OD has been improving regardless of teaching methods or personal characters developing or others. It’s been a great journey for me to learn and grow as well.

There’s a lot I’ve learned in OD, from values to personal characters. When i was a mentee, learning how to tackle qn like looking for keywords, thinking more in depth like .Being a student coaches now, i have to take up more responsibility and constantly learning skills that will help me in life or in school

I choose to stay because OD once helped me before when i was a mentee and i see great improvement in my science chemistry and also knowing that there are seniors who also being helped by OD too coming back to OD to help out so now I wanted to give back and help out whatever that i can

It has great changes in my life because i choose to believe in OD and continue on. When I was a mentee, knowing that OD can help me and that I constantly put in my best, in the end getting good results in my science. And now coming back OD to help out has given me a great opportunity to grow.

By |2018-05-01T11:38:13+00:00February 26th, 2018|Comments Off on Journey on OD

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